Entertainment genres Farkle Addict : 10,000 Dice Casino Deluxe hack generator


review: Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. But sometimes there seems to be a pattern to the luckier vs unluckier rolls. For instance, every time I've attempted to bank an insufficient (too-low, less than 300 pts) score, I invariably roll "farkle" on my next attempt to score more points. Also, I play the computer a lot and it used to seem to me that my opponent always had an advantage. I noticed that the computer usually got better rolls - and more rolls - before rolling "farkle" (if, indeed, it ever did; sometimes it seemed to know exactly when to stop and bank it's pts). But then I started noticing that the computer would make stupid choices for a computer (which presumably was programmed to make decisions based upon varying sets of possible circumstances), and I began to think my earlier assumptions were more paranoid than real and that the computer did not get better rolls than I (it merely benefitted sometimes by the random 'luck of the draw'; and, occasionally, I would benefit more than not); 2011-05-17; Version: 1.5; average Rating: 4,3 / 5; Happy Summer everyone!; liked it: 3977 Review; English.




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